Privacy Policy

1. user privacy data collection and usage

We collect and utilize personal data in compliance with applicable privacy laws, ensuring that information is gathered solely for the purpose of delivering the Clinic on App's Online Doctor service and associated functionalities.

2. confidentiality of health information

Clinic on App treats personal health information shared during consultations with the utmost confidentiality. Clinical triage information is not disclosed to external parties without user consent, except in cases of imminent risk, where disclosure may be necessary for the user's safety.

3. emergency services

In cases of imminent risk determined during a consultation, clinicians may prompt the activation of emergency services to ensure timely intervention. Additionally, if harm is suspected, appropriate authorities will be notified in accordance with the law.

4. data security

  • Clinic on App employs state-of-the-art encryption protocols and secure data transmission methods to safeguard user data.
  • Access controls and authentication measures are in place to restrict unauthorized access to sensitive information.
  • Regular security audits and assessments are conducted to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.
  • The Clinic on App team is trained on data security practices to ensure a secure environment for user information.

5. data retention

  • Personal data is retained only for the duration necessary to provide medical services and as required by applicable laws.
  • User information is securely stored and managed, and access is restricted to authorized personnel.
  • Upon request or termination of services, user data is securely disposed of in accordance with privacy laws and regulations. Clinic on App maintains transparent data retention policies, outlining the specific timeframes for retaining different categories of user data.

By utilizing the Clinic on App's Services, users acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this privacy policy. For any concerns or inquiries regarding privacy matters, please contact us at the provided contact information.